This square wooden organ pipe has a glass window set into one end, through which can be seen a metal reed. A long metal pin protrudes from that same end, near a round hole cut into the bottom surface. From the other end protrudes a wooden spout.
Accession Number:
Alternative Name:
Primary Materials: Wood, glass, metal
On the top near the spout: “175”. On the bottom near the window: “Rudolph Koenig a Paris”.
Dimensions (cm): Height = 40, Width = 5.7, Length = 6.5
Pressured air is blown through this pipe, causing the reed it to beat against the aperture. A resonator attaches to the top to generate a tone.
Very good: Minor chips and scratches on the body of the pipe.
Associated Instruments:
Manufacturer: Rudolph Koenig
Date of Manufacture: Mid-nineteenth century
University of Toronto Physics Department
See David Pantalony, “Altered Sensations: Rudolph Koenig’s Acoustical Workshop in Nineteenth-Century Paris,” New York: Springer, 2009.
Historical Notes:
- Donated to UTSIC