This piece consists of a long metal tube with a lens at one end and a brass tube on the other, both parallel to the main tube. The long tube has a door that opens for 2/3 the length of the tube and inside is a long glass tube containing an unidentified red fluid. the ends of the glass tube are lensed like those of the main metal tube. At the end with the brass tube there is an offset eyepiece mounted above the main tube and on a sideways track. A long metal rod runs the length of the long tube and ends with a gear that turns the end lens.
Accession Number:
Alternative Name:
Primary Materials: Metal, Glass
A scale at one end is marked in increments of 10 first from 30 to 10, then from 0 to 100. On the brass mounting point is etched “Franz Schmidt & Haemsch BERLIN no 1444”. One metal cap on the glass tube is marked “Bausch & Lomb Opt. Co”. A label taped to the glass tube is marked “LAEVULOSE 20gm/100cc”.
Height = 49 cm, Length = 10 cm, Width = 10 cm
Used for measuring the concentration of sucrose in saccharine solutions. This is achieved by measuring the degree to which the solution, which may contain optically active sucrose, rotates plane-polarized light.
Very good. Some tarnishing and scratches. The liquid in the glass tube has left sediment on the glass.
Associated Instruments:
Bausch & Lomb, Franz Schmidt & Haemsch
Date of Manufacture:
University of Toronto Physics Department
Additional Information and References:
Historical Notes:
- Donated to UTSIC