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Pulmonary Monitor with Peak Flow Scale

Stan Epstein Respiratory Medicine · IHPST

A white box contains a blue cardboard package cradling a white-and-blue plastic instrument.

The instrument consists of a body with a rectangular cross-section and a white mouthpiece. One face of the instrument is a scale in litres per minute. The reverse side has manufacturing information moulded into the surface in embossed letters.

The box also includes a set of record charts and an instructional booklet.

Accession Number: 2019.ihpst.113

Alternative Name: Vitalograph Pulmonary Monitor

Primary Materials: Plastic, Paper.


The embossed lettering on the back of the instrument lists the following information:
“Cat. No. 29. 000”
“British Patent No. 1500283”

Dimensions (cm):

Height = 83.4 ,Length = 23.2, Width = 11.2.


A peak flow meter measures a person’s maximum speed of expiration in order to detect and to diagnose respiratory illness.


Very Good. The internal cardboard packaging is creased and torn at one end.

Associated Instruments:

Manufacturer: Vitalograph Ltd., Buckingham, England.

Date of Manufacture: c. 1980


This item was acquired along with a collection of medical artifacts from the home Dr. Stan Epstein on March 13, 2019.

Additional Information and References:

Historical Notes:


  • Donated to UTSIC