This instrument consists of a photronic cell set in a hollow metal box. The box is closed on all sides except for one, where a round window is cut out and is encircled with a metal lip. Set in this window is a photronic cell: a disk-shaped metal body inset with a green disk covered in glass. On one side of the photronic cell are two knobs connected to rubber wires, which are connected at their other end to the inside of the box. On the outside of the box, opposite to where the wires connect, is a small electrical outlet.
Accession Number: 2016.zoo.56
Alternative Name:
Primary Materials: Metal, Glass, Rubber
On the cell: “WESTON Photronic Cell Model 594 Pat Pend Newark NJ U.S.A.”
Dimensions (cm): Length = 23, Width = 13, Height = 5.5
The photronic cell measures light levels by converting electromagnetic radiation into electric signals.
Good. The entire instrument is dusty and the metal is corroded in places, particularly where the paint is chipped from the box.
Associated Instruments:
Weston Electrical Instrument Company, Newark, New Jersey, USA.
Date of Manufacture:
This object was collected in November 2016 from the laboratory of Harold Harvey in Ramsay Wright Zoological Laboratories, formerly the Department of Zoology.
Additional Information and References:
Historical Notes:
- Donated to UTSIC