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Light Projector (Central Scientific)


Conical metal tube with tapered end mounted on a wooden platform attached to a transformer and a variable resister. The tube contains a bulb and magnifying lenses, to project light out the tapered end, and adjusting knobs at the back, top, and sides. A wire runs from a 250V plug to the resister and the transformer. Another thick, cloth-coated wire runs from the transformer to the bulb attachment in the tube. The variable resister contains a circular resistance coil with adjustment knob. The resister knob is inscribed with an arrow to indicate the direction of increase and there are red Xs on the reverse side of the resister.

Accession Number:

Alternative Name:

Primary Materials: Metal, wood, plastic, glass


Same label on transformer and conical tube: “Central Scientific Co. / Laboratory Apparatus / Supplies Chemicals / Chicago U.S.A / New York – Boston – Toronto – Los Angeles”

Dimensions (cm):

Length = 39cm, Width = 19, Height = 38.5


Used to produce an intense light source (for optical experiments)


Associated Instruments: – contrast filters

Manufacturer: Central Scientific Co, Chicago

Date of Manufacture: Mid-20th century


Additional Information and References:

Historical Notes:

Additional items: contrast filters – – and headsets – to receive cataloguing nums.
