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This instrument is a round brass dial supported on three glass legs and affixed to a black metal base. The face of the dial is set behind glass and consists of four separate dials: one large dial that takes up the entire disk, and three smaller dials set inside it. The large dial has a scale from 0-100 at ten-unit intervals, each of which itself is divided into tenths. The first of the smaller dials is labelled “100”; the second is labelled “1000”; and the third is labelled “10000.” Each is divided into 10 intervals.

A round metal frame with fan blades is affixed to the brass dial at a 90-degree angle. The centre of the fan is connected directly to the brass dial with a small metal rod. On the side of the dial is a single brass button and a brass switch.

This instrument is contained in a leather case with a leather handle. Also in the case is a brass and metal mount which screws into the base and allows the dial to be set on a rod. The leather case is closed with a metal button.

Accession Number: 2016.zoo.59

Alternative Name:

Primary Materials: Brass, glass, metal, leather


On the face of the dial: “10-90” at 10-unit intervals. On the first small dial: “100”, “0-9” at 1-unit intervals. On the second small dial: “1000” “0-9” at 1-unit intervals. On the third small dial: “10000” “0-9” at 1-unit intervals.

On the main dial face: “200-3000 F. P.M No E.16450 Short & Mason London Made in England”.

Dimensions (cm): Length = 11, Width =8.5, Height = 9


This instrument was used to measure airflow.


Very good. The leather case is worn, particularly around the metal fastener.

Associated Instruments:

Manufacturer: Short & Mason

Date of Manufacture: Early 20th Cent.


419 Ramsay Wright, Lab of Harold Harvey, University of Toronto Department of Zoology

Additional Information and References:

Historical Notes:


  • Donated to UTSIC