Stan Epstein Respiratory Medicine · IHPST
An unopened clear plastic wrapper contains a cylindrical plastic artefact. The artefact consists of a clear cylinder with black printing. On either end of the cylinder are blue plastic elements. At one end, a lighter blue plastic cap covers an opening. There is also a paper instruction sheet within the plastic packaging.
Accession Number: 2019.ihpst.87
Alternative Name:
Primary Materials: Plastic, Paper.
The printing on the exterior of the artefact includes the following message: “FOR HOSPITAL USE ONLY”.
Dimensions (cm): Diameter = 5, Length = 20.
The Aerochamber (referred to a “spacer”) was designed to prevent errors in the use of the pressurized metered dose inhaler. This prototype was created for clinical trials of the device.
Excellent: There is no obvious damage or wear to this artefact.
Associated Instruments:
Trudell Medical International, London, On, Canada.
Date of Manufacture: C. late 20th century.
This item was acquired along with a collection of medical artefacts from the home of Dr. Stanley Epstein on February 19, 2019.
Epstein SW, Manning P, Ashley MJ, Corey PN. Survey of the Clinical Use of Pressurized Aerosol Inhalers. <i>Canadian Medical Association Journal</i> 120 (1979): 813-816.
D. Corr, M. Dolovich, D. McCormack, R. Ruffin, G. Ominski, M. Newhouse: The Aerochamber: A New Demand /Inhalation Devise for Delivery of Aerosolized Drugs. <i>American Review of Respiratory Disease</i> (1980), 121:123
Weeke, Eva Rung “Reported Clinical Experiences with Inhaled Terbutaline Aerosol via Spacer Devices.” In <i>Metered Dose Inhalers: An International Workshop (October 17-19, 1983, Mont Ste. Marie, Qc).</i> edited by S. W. Epstein. 105-109. Mississauga, OnL Astra Pharmaceuticals Canada, 1984.
Historical Notes:
- Donated to UTSIC