A large laboratory microscope with an integrated, internal 35mm camera. The microscope consists of two main units: the microscope (stage unit), and an external “automatic exposure device.” Two additional film magazines are also present in this example.
The eyepiece extends from the tube head at the top of the unit. Film magazines are mounted inside the camera body from the right side. An electrical photocell measuring light intensity for exposure control is housed inside the body. A lever below the film magazine mount cocks the shutter and operates the film advance. A knob on the opposite side sets the shutter speed. The objective turret holds five objective lenses. This microscope has a complicated substage featuring a transmitted-light condenser. A remarkable amount of wear is evident on the finish of the stage beneath the focus wheels. A built-in illuminator is housed in the base of the stage beneath the stage. The lamp is located at the back of the unit.
The automatic exposure device attaches to the stage unit with two cords (missing from this example). Illumination, exposure, and shutter functions can be controlled from this device.
35mm photographic film is loaded into a spool holder. This fits inside a magazine which is mounted in the body of the camera. This microscope comes with two additional magazines, one of which has film inside.
Accession Number: 2012.ihpst.12.A, B, C, D
Alternative Name:
Primary Materials: Steel, Plastic, Glass, Rubber
Sticker on base: “TTH PATHOLOGY 0270”; Front of Base: “CARL ZEISS 20350 Germany”; Eyepieces: “ZEISS WINKEL” Sticker on Back of Base: “CARL ZEISS CANADA LIMITED, INSTRUMENT SER. NO. 20183?, SERVICED BY ?, DATE 9, 69”, On 45x Objective Lens “ELEITZ WETZLAR”
Stage Unit: Height = 43, Width = 25, Length= 40; Automatic Exposure Device: Height = 13, Width = 16, Height = 22.5.
Observation and photography of microscopic objects.
Condition: Good: Minor wear and abrasion.
Associated Instruments:
Carl Zeiss, Oberkocken, Württemberg, Germany.
Date of Manufacture: c. 1955 – 1960s
This microscope was used at Toronto Western Hospital. In October of 2007 it was donated to the IHPST by a student of IHPST Prof. Nikolai Krementsov.
Additional Information and References:
1) Neumeyer, Ron. <a href=”http://www.microimaging.ca/”> <i>Microscope forum.</i></a> [cited 2/28 2012]. Provides a .pdf copy of the <a href=”http://www.microimaging.ca/Photomic1.pdf”>Photomicroscope I manual.</a>
2) James, Paul. 2001. <a href=”http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag//artjul01/photomic.html”>Carl Zeiss Photo Microscope I.</a> <i>Micscape Magazine.</i>
- Donated to UTSIC