A black optical instrument. A black circular base with a circular glass stage base supports a metal stem. At the top of the stem is a black stereoscopic optical element. The height of the element can be adjusted relative to the base using a black wheel that operates a rack and pinion mechanism. Hinges on the optical element permit interpupillary distance to be adjusted.
Accession Number: 2016.phlt.1.96
Alternative Name:
Primary Materials: Steel, Optical Glass
The microscope is marked with the serial numbers “29651” and “29652”.
Dimensions (cm): Length = 15, Width = 15, Height = 27.5.
This instrument permits the steroscopic viewing of small objects for dissection and other purposes.
Good: The metal stem and some screw heads are quite rusty.
Associated Instruments:
Manufacturer: Carl Zeiss. Jena, Germany.
Date of Manufacture:
Additional Information and References:
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