The Shape Tape apparatus is contained in a black briefcase. The briefcase contains eighteen items:
2014.EP.5.1 A Black Briefcase with brass coloured catches and locks. The dial for the combination locks are blocked with red plastic pins.
2014.EP.5.2 Plastic ShapeTape Processor with short fiber-optic cable. The processor is a rectangular white box. The cable is covered by a blue ribbon.
2014.EP.5.3 Plastic ShapeTape Processor with long fiber-optic cable. The cable is covered by a blue ribbon.
2014.EP.5.4 Plastic ShapeTape Processor with long fiber-optic cable and barcode on the underside. The cable is covered by a blue ribbon.
2014.EP.5.5 A Loose CD
2014.EP.5.6 A CD within a case
2014.EP.5.7 A 3.5 inch floppy disk labelled “Calibration File, Serial No.3344.
2014.EP.5.8 A 3.5 inch floppy disk labelled “Calibration File, Serial No.3265″.
2014.EP.5.9 Two brass clips in a plastic bag.
2014.EP.5.10 A black two-pronged power cord.
2014.EP.5.11 A grey video cable.
2014.EP.5.12 An invoice on yellow paper from the Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine dated 4 Feb 2000.
2014.EP.5.13 Stapled email correspondences with Measurand Inc.
2014.EP.5.14 Invoice from Measurand Inc.
2014.EP.5.15 Correspondence between Lee Danisch and Paul Milgram
2014.EP.5.16 A bound description, application notes, instructions, and ordering information manual for ShapeTape Processors.
2014.EP.5.17 A bound installation and operation manual for ShapeTape Processors, Model S1280CS
2014.EP.5.18 A bound installation and operation manual for ShapeTape Processors, models S1280 & S1680
Accession Number: 2014.ep.5.1-8
Alternative Name:
Brass, Aluminum, Glass, Plastic, Paper, Other Metals
One of the ShapeTape processors with a long fiber-optic cable has a barcode on the underside whereas the other two do not.
Briefcase: Height = 31, Width = 9.75, Length = 44.5; Shape Tape Processors: Height = 8.6, Width = 3, Length = 16.3; Fiber Optic Tape (Processor #1): Length = 187, Width = 1.3; Fiber Optic Tape (Processor #2 & 3): Length = 224, Width = 1.3.
According to information from the Measurand Geotechnical Inc. website and in email correspondence with Professor Paul Milgram, ShapeTape processors use fiber-optics to measure dimensions and minute movements of objects on the X, Y, and Z axis. According to some of the invoices and manuals present within this object, these particular processors were used to measure the movement of the human body. Although no further information was available on the types of experiments these objects were used in at U of T, it is likely that they were used to study kinesiology.
Excellent: The object has damage as follows
2014.EP.5.1.1: Scratches on the top surface of briefcase (when laid flat)
2014.EP.5.1.2: Scratches on the bottom surface of the briefcase (when laid flat)
2014.EP.5.1.3: The plastic covers of the fibre optic cables are worn and torn
2014.EP.5.1.4: The paper journals and manuals have worn edges
2014.EP.5.1.5: There are minor scratches and discoloration on the brass furniture throughout the briefcase
2014.EP.5.1.6: The stitching is separated on the top surface of briefcase (when laid fla
2014.EP.5.1.7: There is scotch tape present on the fiber optic cables on the ShapeTape processor with the shortest fiber-optic cable
Associated Instruments:
Manufacturer: Measurand Geotechnical Inc.
Date of Manufacture: c. 1999
At least one ShapeTape device was donated to Professor Paul Milgram at the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering department at U of T by Lee Danisch (an employee at Measurand Geotechnical Inc.) around 1999. According to Professor Milgram, at least one of the three ShapeTape devices was donated by the Defense Research and Development Centre in Toronto. A further invoice within the briefcase suggests that one of the ShapeTape devices was originally from the Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine in Fredericton, New Brunswick; the invoice is dated February 4th 2000.
Paul Milgram, e-mail message to cataloguer, February 18 2014.
Measurand Geotechnical Inc. Website. “Products.” Last accessed March 6 2014.
Historical Notes:
- Donated to UTSIC