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Set of Hydrometers


A wooden case containing seven glass hydrometers, one glass cylinder, and a glass thermometer. The box is lined with red and purple velvet. The hydrometers and thermometer contain mercury.

Accession Number: 2012.ihpst.10

Alternative Name:

Primary Materials:

Case: Wood, Velvet. Instruments: Glass, Mercury, Paper.


Top of Case: “Max Kaehler u. Martini Berlin”, Hydrometers: “Araometer n. Specif. Genricht. Temp. 15° C.”, Thermometer: “Centigrade. M. K. & M. Berlin. W.”

Dimensions (cm):

Height = 10.3, Width = 43.3, Length = 23


Used to measure specific gravity of liquids.


Good: The wooden case lid is cracked in two places. The fabric covering of the case is coming off in several small areas. There is a spot of damage on the velvet bottom surface of the lid.

Associated Instruments:

Manufacturer: Max Kaehler u. Martini, Berlin.

Date of Manufacture: Unknown


This set of instruments belonged to Professor E. W. Abrahamson (d. May 12, 1991) of the Department of Opthalmology at the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine.

The instruments were donated on January 23rd, 2012 by Dr. John Alexander Parker, Professor emeritus of Ophthalmology at the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine.

Additional Information and References:

Historical Notes:

“Professor E. W. Abrahamson passed away from cancer on May 12, 1991. His primary work was in the chemistry of vision including chemical and physical studies of visual pigments and of the transduction process. He had a long and complex career that began with the Manhattan Project and included a wide repertoire of scholarly work on Molecular Orbital Theory of energy transfer kinetics, history and philosophy of science and religion, and diplomatic service with the World Council of Churches and UNESCO. He had over 30 doctoral students and over 100 research monographs in journals and books. He will be greatly missed in the field of vision research.” [S. Deshpande et al. 1992, p. 425]

1) S. Deshpande, M. Thompson, J. A. Parker, E. W. Abrahamson. 1992. Study of retinal dystrophy in RCS rats: A compairison of mg-ATP dependent light scattering activity and ERG b-wave. Vision Res. 32 (3): 425-432.


  • Donated to UTSIC