This is a rectangular piece of wood cut in a stepped fashion, with metallic plates attached to its broader surfaces. At one end, there is a brass pulley wheel with a small handle. On the same side, there is a circular hole cut in the metal plate, revealing a mechanism underneath.
On the other side there is a circular hole cut in the wood, revealing a glass plate underneath with an image of a skeleton on it. At the other end there is a large metal screw holding down the base of a leather strap, which appears to have broken off.
Accession Number: 2017.psy.189
Alternative Name:
Primary Materials: Wood, Metal, Glass
Markings: None.
Dimensions (cm): 28.6cm x 10cm x 4cm
To create a projected image of a skeleton that includes some movement.
Poor. Many pieces of this slide appear to be missing. The wood is scratched and chipped, particularly on the corners. The leather strap is broken off at the base.
Associated Instruments:
Date of Manufacture: c. 1900
University of Toronto Department of Psychology
Additional Information and References:
Historical Notes: