This object contains two components tagged as 2011.psy.23.a and 2011.psy.23.b: a box of glass slides and a slide holder.
Component a: A wooden box with slots containing fifty glass slides (possibly stereoscopic images). There is tape around the edges of each slide. Several slides are numbered.
Component b: A wooden slide holder for two glass slides. Likely fits into a projector.
Accession Number: 2011.psy.23.a-b
Alternative Name:
Primary Materials: wood; glass; tape; brass latches
University of Toronto label: “University of Toronto, Department of Psychology. Duplicate lecture slides” (in pencil). On slide holder: “Department of Psychology” (written in marker twice)
Dimensions (cm): Height = 11, Width = 53, Length = 11.5
Store glass slides and hold slides in projector.
Condition: Good
Associated Instruments: 2011.psy.23.a and b
Date of Manufacture:
Dept. of Psychology, University of Toronto
Additional Information and References:
There may be a third component to this instrument that projects or display the slides.