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This apparatus consists of an arm restrainer, a pulley system, and a marker for a kymograph attached along the length of a wooden base. The components of the restrainer are made of brass, steel, and leather. The arm restrainer consists of two parallel metal poles elevated on a stand at each end. There is a pulley at the end of the wooden base opposite the arm restrainer. A wire extends from the end of the arm restrainer around the pulley. The kymograph stylus is attached to the top of the arm restrainer perpendicular to the length of the wooden base and restrainer.

Accession Number: 2011.psy.11

Alternative Name:

Primary Materials: Wood, Wire, Leather, Brass


Old Inventory Number = Psy 23. There is a label on the top of wooden base: ‘Psy 23’. There is a label on the back of the base: ‘Psy 036’.

Dimensions (cm): Height = 15, Width = 11.5, Length = 15


Used for measuring changes in the amount of muscular contraction. It immobilizes all parts of a member (finger or arm) except the part to be measured.


Good. The leather strap is deteriorating, scratches on the wooden base.

Associated Instruments: 2011.psy.12; 2011.psy.13, 2011.psy.18


Date of Manufacture:


Dept of Psychology, U of T, removed from Psych storage Sept 28, 2011.

Additional Information and References:

Historical Notes:
