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Cornell-Coxe Performance Ability Test

Psychological Tests

1 wooden box containing the following materials for the test:
– 1 manilla folder with 25 copies of individual record score sheets
– 10 folders containing cardboard pictures (to be arranged in sequences)
– 1 folder labelled “block designs”
– 1 folder labelled “memory for designs” with patterned cards
– 1 burgundy box stamped “block design” on back, with 16 blue, yellow, red and white blocks inside
– 1 red box, stamped “profile” on the back, containing movable wooden figures that make a human face in profile
– 1 blue book – “A Performance Ability Scale” Examination Manual”
– 1 red box labelled “Cube Construction Test”, containing smaller boxes with red and white blocks
– 1 blue box containing wooden pieces that together make a full-length human make image
– other loose sheets of individual records – on back are tables with age norms and weight of scores

Accession Number: 2011.psy.17

Alternative Name:

Primary Materials: Wood, paper, cardboard


On the top of the box: “Cornell-Coxe Performance Ability” On the side of the box: “Cornell-Coxe”. The Performance Ability Scale worksheets contain manufacturer information: “World Book Company, Yonkers-on-Hudson, New York and Chicago, Illinois, USA”

Dimensions (cm): Height = 12.5, Width = 27, Length = 36


Testing “performance ability”, pattern recognition

Condition: Good condition

Associated Instruments:


World Book Company, Yonkers-on-Hudson, New York and Chicago, Illinois, USA

Date of Manufacture: Copyrighted 1934


Dept. of Psychology, University of Toronto

Additional Information and References:

Historical Notes:
