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Forestry · UTSIC

This object has a plastic leather-imitation case with a flap lid. Inside the case, there is a piece of card with scales and instructions in Finnish.

The instrument is a small metal rectangular box with two curved edges on the top and the bottom. Set in the flat surface of one side is a circular window behind which there is a semi-circular rotating scale marked in divisions of ten from 0 to 90 in two directions and an indicator needle. Surrounding the scale there is a clear liquid with a large bubble in it. On one of the curved edges there is a circular lens set into the side. Next to this lens there is a metal loop.

On the reverse side of the clinometer there is a round chart indicating cosine decimals.

Accession Number: 2017.for.6

Alternative Name:

Primary Materials: Metal, Glass


On the front of he instrument”: “O/Y SUUNTO HELSINKI PATENT”
On a sticker directly below this: “Suunto Instrument
“Code: PM-5 360 PC”
“Made in Finland”

On the reverse side: “360° COSINE DECIMALS
“Made by SUUNTO Co., Helsinki FINLAND
Manufactures of Precision Instruments”

Dimensions (cm): 15cm x 8.5cm x 2cm


To enable a user to measure from the ground the height of an object, such as a tree, given a known distance from the vertical base of the object. With this clinometer, measurements of angles are taken looking through the eyepiece through to the rotating scale.


Good. The metal surface of the clinometer is somewhat worn and discoloured in places. The liquid is not supposed to contain a bubble and likely indicates a compromised seal.

The case is in good condition. The male side of the popper closer has rust around its base.

Associated Instruments:

Manufacturer: Suunto Instruments, Finland

Date of Manufacture: 1960-1990s


Department of Forestry. This clinometer was most likely used by undergraduate students in fieldwork training.

Additional Information and References:

This model has been available from Suunto Instruments since 1960. [Benson, M.L. The Suunto Clinometer. Australian Forestry. Volume 25, 1961 – Issue 2, pgs 122-126: 122]

Historical Notes:
