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Chemistry Material for for U-Pb Dating


A white-coloured cardboard box, marked with hand-written lettering in black ink, contains the following items:

One small metal and glass artifact (52mm on its longest dimension). At the centre of the artifact is a rectangular chamber. At the centre of this chamber is a narrow filament between the ends of two metal rods. The rods are embedded in a clear glass insulator that projects above the artifact. .

A cylindrical container (30mm tall, ~25mm diameter) with white top and bottom ends. “For archive” is written in black ink on the top end.

A plastic tube (88mm long) with a white material at one end. “Chemistry Column” is written in black ink on a clear wrapper for this tube.

Accession Number: 2023.ihpst.121

Alternative Name:

Primary Materials:


The box lid is marked “Chemistry// Mass Spectrometry” in black ink at the top left corner.

Dimensions (cm):

(Box) Height = 5.3, Width = 10.2, Length = 13.2.



The clear wrappers around each item was removed for cataloguing and photography. These were applied to the items when this material was prepared by Kim Kwok of the Jack Satterly Geochronology Laboratory University or Toronto Department of Earth Sciences in January of 2019.

Associated Instruments:


The Jack Satterly Geochronology Laboratory, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Toronto.

Date of Manufacture: 2019


These artifacts were acquired from Dr. Sandra Kamo, Director of the Jack Satterly Geochronology Laboratory, on January 19, 2019. They were among a small collection of artifacts prepared by technician Kim Kwok.

Additional Information and References:

Historical Notes:

In 1975, Thomas Edvard (Tom) Krogh (1931-2008) accepted an offer to establish a new lab at the Royal Ontario Museum. The position was supported by the Geological Survey of Canada. In 1982, while working at the ROM, Krogh developed a superior method of preparing zircon crystals based on air abrasion (see Krogh 1982). This became a standard laboratory method. Air abrasion has been succeeded by the chemical abrasion (“CA-TIMS”) method of zircon preparation that was first published in 2005.

In 2004, Krogh’s ROM U-Pb lab was transferred to the University of Toronto Department of Earth Sciences, where it remains a leading laboratory for U-Pb dating.

  • Donated to UTSIC