A rectangular brass instrument mounted on a wooden stand. There is a motor inside and an axis that protrudes on both front and back. It is missing four bolts, one from each corner of the stand. There are three brass terminals screwed into the wooden stand at the back of the instrument. A scale at the top of both front and back is graded from 20-0-20. There is a manufacturer’s label attached at the bottom on the front side. A further rotating element, attached to the central post, is missing.
Accession Number: 2012.psy.114
Alternative Name:
Primary Materials: Brass, wood, metal
There is an engraved brass label under the instrument: “Distributor Baudot No. 2, DIA T.G. 293”.
Base: Height = 3, Width = 24, Length = 20; Instrument: Height = 20.5, Width = 19.5, Length = 20 (including central axis)
Transmission of electrical signals using time-division multiplex (telegraphic equipment.)
Good. Slight scratching and wear on the wood and brass.
Associated Instruments: 2011.psy.57, 59
Manufacturer: Émile Baudot
Date of Manufacture: c. 1880
Department of Psychology, University of Toronto
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