Two clip-on stands for Aristo slide rules to prevent from scratching of the back-side of Aristo slide rules. These stands seem to be made to measure for a typical 10″ Aristo slide rule and are packaged in a zip-lock bag with a yellow label containing the Aristo name and name of the product in four different languages.
Accession Number: 2010.lej.43
Alternative Name: Slide rule stands, clip on support
Primary Materials: Plastic
Old Inventory Number = 43.
Product name in English, German, French, Spanish
Length = 6 cm, Width = 4 cm, Height = 0.5 cm.
Supporting slide rules to facilitate use.
Condition: In good condition
Associated Instruments:
Manufacturer: Aristo, Hamburg, Germany
Date of Manufacture:
From the personal collection of L. E. Jones.
Additional Information and References:
Aristo was a trade name adopted by the Dennert and Pape Co. for making slide rules with Astralon and Plexiglass. Please refer to for further information.