This piece consists of two wooden leaves hinged together at one end. The top leaf has a maze cut in it, and certain points on this maze are numbered with pen or pencil. The bottom leaf is a solid panel of wood.
Accession Number: 2013.psy.147
Alternative Name:
Primary Materials: Wood, metal
Different points on the maze are numbered 1 through 15.
Dimensions (cm): Height = 2.1, Length = 22, Width = 36.6
Ultimate function unknown. Marks on the surface of the bottom leaf suggest that participants used a pen to run through the maze. Participants may have been blindfolded, since the pencil markings on the paper do not indicate a single line, but many lines around the edges of the carved wood surface. The instrument was potentially implicated in implicit memory and procedural learning tests
Good: Some small chips and abrasions on the wood.
Associated Instruments:
Date of Manufacture:
University of Toronto Department of Psychology
Additional Information and References:
Historical Notes: